Jun 29, 2010
We've joined Podcast Alley. Huzzah!!
<a href="http://www.podcastalley.com/"> My Podcast Alley feed!</a> {pca-df46511bb29831bbeb46274447f57717}
Jun 25, 2010
In which Jeremy goes of on how he hates Dogs, Frats, Newsstand Celebrities, and other various things while Eric gets in a few words about the World Cup .
Jun 19, 2010
In which we talk about Porn, Sexual Proclivties, Prison Rape, World Cup Soccer, The Spice Girls, and a Flaming Jesus Statue
Jun 10, 2010
In which we talk about Nut Tapping games, Jeremy's run ins with older ladies (again), Mexican drug violence (no!!!), and a shit dimension
Jun 4, 2010
In which Jeremy returns from New Orleans and we talk about, Douchebags, Erics adventures in theivery, gets answers from Dr. Animal and Dr. Doctor, and read some more emails.