Sep 29, 2020
In which we talk about goals, Eric’s relationship with his neighbors, Brock’s depression, Jeremy’s new bike, how we know when we’re depressed and what we do about it, tortoise intercourse, outdated cultural references in movies, Netflix comedy specials we like, and more.
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Sep 17, 2020
In which we discuss the Quaid family, blue bonnet poops, Eric’s Zoom backgrounds, Eric’s SBurbNTure YouTube video series, starting to wear work clothes again, a new Zoom game, summer reading books, pig fucking, grade school sex ed and Dare classes, and more.
Contact us at;
Sep 11, 2020
In which we discuss Jeremy’s tough few days, Eric had an exciting experience in nature, the internet, we retire a Minion positions in honor of a deceased friend, Eric and Brock’s hangout weekend, how psychedelics work/feel, opioids, obsessive things we enjoy, but not letting those things define you, whether goals...